3 reasons to use dental bonding on a problem toothDental bonding can make key improvements to the appearance of a problem tooth. Your dentist can use it to cover signs of damage and decay. It can also be used to reshape or re-size a tooth as needed, or to treat a discolored tooth that is not responsive to conventional whitening. Many people turn to dental bonding to treat their tooth because it can be less involved than having it covered with a dental crown. Bonding is also a simpler process than receiving porcelain veneers.

1. It Can Restore Discoloration Whitening Can’t Fix

Teeth whitening can eliminate stains in your enamel, but not all forms of discoloration are equally responsive to this treatment. If your tooth has suffered discoloration from a physical injury, or due to taking certain medications, dental bonding can restore it to a more natural, attractive color.

2. It Can Cover The Appearance Of A Damaged Tooth

Depending on the severity of the trauma, dental bonding is a relatively simple way to address the appearance of physical damage on a tooth. Bonding can hide cracks in your teeth, and can be used in conjunction with contouring to eliminate chips. However, if the damage to your tooth is too severe, your dentist may determine that you need a dental crown to protect your tooth.

3. It’s A Simpler Alternative To Porcelain Veneers

Dental bonding can be performed in a single visit, and can improve the shape and color of a tooth. It can even cover a gap between teeth. While porcelain veneers can make dramatic smile improvements, it can take longer for your dentist to perform this procedure. Your dentist will also have to remove a small amount of enamel from your teeth.


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